Saturday, December 02, 2006

My girls

I wanted to show you the other ladies in my life. You met Isabela yesterday, here's her #1 big sister Sofia. Sofia is my born leader. My take charge, has to win, can do anything girl. She's also my #1 model. Sofia has always been ready to take a picture, and help her dad practice when trying to learn new camera techniques. Here a recent pic, and one from two years ago. Look at those beautiful eyes.

This is Victoria. My artist. Would rather spend all day drawing and playing with her dolls. She's like my bigfoot...Its hard to get a good picture of her. She's been hiding from the camera since she could walk. Most pictures of her, she'll be making a funny face. This is one I got lucky, and she was in her ballerina outfit.

She looks this way in the morning until she has her coffee.

Coffee just kicked in.

A couple of Sofia and Victoria hanging out at the park.

And last but not least, my hot wife. She keeps everyone organized and looking pretty. If it was up to dad, the girls would be all wearing the same tshirt and jeans. We've been married for 11 years now, and she is the love of my life.

As you can see, my house is full of women. Keep praying for me :)

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